Those of us who are in the medical profession know that there are many different lotions and potions that are marketed to the masses that really do very little do solve any sort of problems. There are only so many different laws that come into focus when it comes to pharmacies, and that often means that companies looking for a quick buck will carefully promise the world on their packaging, whilst their ingredients actually do very little. This can be incredibly irritating for our customers, and sadly we are often lumped with those charlatans just because we work in the medical field.
However, most of those cases are quite cut and dry: they either work, or they don’t, and we are able to recommend the good ones to our customers and help them steer clear of the ones that don’t. There are, on the other hand, a few types of medical things that people are still a little unsure of, and one of these is Botox.
Some people claim that it is just a choice that certain people make who are desperate to change their lifestyle, without any real effort on their part. The changes are quick, that’s for sure, but they are not permanent, which is something that is not often spelled out to those who are considering the procedure. On the other hand, there are many others that believe that Botox (provided by a properly certified medical professional) really can transform the lives of those who use it, and consider it a solution to the way that our faces naturally age over time. So which is it: quick fix or slow solution?
In many ways, it is both. The time that it takes for Botox to start taking effect in a person’s face to the point that someone else can notice a difference is very small, making it a remarkably quick fix if they are desperately unhappy. On the other hand, when properly managed by a Botox specialist over time, Botox can be a marvellous solution to a person who does not want the way that they look – and the age that they look – to factor into their lives. They instead want to present to the world the age that they feel, not their actual age.
And why shouldn’t we? We live in an age where almost anything is possible, and that includes the power to dramatically alter or gently alter the way that we look. Whether a person is using Botox as a quick fix for an important event that is coming up in their lives, such as a wedding or a family member graduating, or whether they want to use Botox as a slow solution, to gently peel away the years over a period of twelve months, both of them are accessing the incredible power that Botox can offer.
The debate is still not really over, and there are still many people on either side, even within the medical profession. All that is important is that those of us who are aware of the different facets of Botox can carefully explain this information to our patients and our customers.